المتحدثون المشاركون

المتحدثون المشاركون

إلى اللحظة، تم إستلام ملخصات الأوراق البحثية التالية وتم تحكيمها من قبل اللجنة العلمية للعرض في اللقاء

 Contributed Papers:

(1)   A wavelet-based statistical model for image filtering: A comparison of methods. Tamer Nabil, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
(2)   Simulation Study to Compare Different Approaches for Analyzing one-way ANOVA in case of Count Data, A. Alharbey and Ali H. Almarshadi, King Abduaziz University, Saudi Arabia
(4)   Reliability Estimation of Generalized Inverted Exponential Distribution. A. Abouammoh and Arwa Alshingti, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
(5)   On the Stationarity and Causality of Spatial Bilinear Models. Soumia Kharfouchi, U. Mentouri of Constantine, Algeria
(6)   On Confidence Intervals of  Binomial Parameter. Kuhurshid, A. (Nizwa University, Oman) and Ageel, M. (King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia)
(7)   GPD as a unique Fixed Point, Amjad Lone, King Khalid University
(8)   Fast and accuracy Time Series Classification Using a New cluster-k-Nearest Neighbor. Samir Brahim Bellhaouari, UT petronas, Malysia
(9)   Asymptotic normality of robust nonparametric estimator for functional dependent data. Attouch, Laksaci and Said, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
(10)                       On Mixture of Inverse Weibull and Lognormal Distributions. Sultan, Ismail and AlMoisheer, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
(11)                       Stochastic Stability and Inference of the SIRC Epidemic Model. Hamid Hamid ElMaroufy, Faculty of Sciences of Beni- mellal, Morocco
(12)                       Characterization of Distributions by Order Statistics. Mohammed Almech   Ali, King Abduaziz University, Saudi Arabia
(13)                       Robustness of Location R-Estimators. Shawki Shaker Hussien, Iraq
(14)                       CANONICAL DEVELOPMENT OF SECOND ORDER BANACH-VALUED RANDOM ELEMENT. Benchikh Tawfik, University of DJillali, Algeria
(15)                       GENERALIZED ORDER STATISTICS AND ASSOCIATED INFERENCE . Khalf Sultan, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
(16)                       An Efficient Approach for Treating a Stochastic Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming Problem. Adel Wedyan, Qaseem University, Saudi Arabia
(17)                       The problem of the choice of weight matrices in spatial time series. Ahmed Boukhbouzi, USTHB, Algeria
(18)                       Clustering objects described by tables data. A. Rebbouh, USTHB, Algeria
(19)                       Distribution of Sample Variances Based on Bivariate Normal Distribution. Anwar, Joarder, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
(20)                       Identification of the parameters of a multivariate normal vector by the distribution of the minimum. Mohamed AlNajjar, Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia
(21)                       Mixture Periodic Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic Models. M. Bentarzi and F. Hamdi, USTHB, Algeria
(22)                       On the Adaptive Estimation of Periodic First Order Threshold Autoregressive Model. M. Merzougui and M. Bentarzi, USTBH, Algeria
(23)                       Goodness-of—fit tests for the exponential Pareto Distribution. Hanaa abuzinadah, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
(24)                       Modeling the S&P 500 stock price by Mixture Periodic Auto regression with Periodic ARCH Errors. F. Hamdi and M. Bentarzi, USTHB, Algeria
(25)                       Capturing Shock effects in trending time series. A. Aknouche and Nadia Rabehi, USTHB, Algeria
(26)                       Recursive Estimation of Conditional Mode. DJaballah, USTHB, Algeria
(27)                       Seasonal periodic Long Memory Model. Bensalma Ahmed, ENSSEA, Algeria
(28)                       On The Choice of The Ridge - Regression Parameter. Ghadban Abduallah Khalf, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
(29)                       Bayesian identification and Estimation of periodic threshold Autoregressive Model. Leilla Djedddou, USTHB, Algeria
(30)                       Retrial queuing Systems with different types of server Interruptions. Tawfik Kernane, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
(31)                       Graphical and Numerical Approaches for Estimating the Parameters of Extreme Value Distributions. Zohrih Raizah, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
(32)                       Functional limit theorems for periodic one server queue. Merad Djenat, USTHB, Algeria
(33)                       Bayesian Single Sampling Plan With Semi Linear Loss Function. Hacene Belbachir, USTHB, Algeria
(34)                       Ratio Type Estimators Based on Ranked Set Sampling. Said Ali alHadhrami, Nizwa University, Nizwa, Oman
(35)                       Probability Distribution Relationships. Y. Abdelkader and Zainab Al-Marzouq, King Faisel University, Saudi Arabia
(36)                       المتطلبات الاجتماعية للتنمية البشرية في قطرالمؤشرات والتوقعات- محمد الخولي- اكاديمية السادات للعلوم الإدارية-مصر
(37)                       العلوم الاجتماعية ودورها في عصر المعرفة وإدارة المستقبل-لحسن باشيوة-جامعة دلمون –مملكة البحرين
(38)                       تطبيقات العلوم الإحصائية في علم النفس وعلم التربية واالأرطوفونيا-السعيد العواشره-الجزائر