Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) - (Half Day)

Saudi Society for Medical Education
Learning objectives:
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
 Recognize essential toolkits for IPECP strategic planning.
 Practice IPECP program development steps.
 Discuss opportunities and barriers to IPECP implementation.
 Develop their own centers of excellence in IPECP.

Target Participants:

 Health professions deans, leaders and program directors at universities and colleges
 Faculty and educators interested in interprofessional education
 Clinical preceptors and mentors involved in team-based care
 University administrators overseeing health professions education
 Healthcare organization leaders interested in collaboration
 Medical education researchers focused on IPE and collaboration

*Apply for SSME membership by going to this website link to get the discounted rate.
